
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Torlonia

  The Torlonia ( Final Destination of "Follow The Money ")   The global central banking policy is dictated from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and not from the Fed, and Torlonia Black Nobility family is controlling the BIS:    Some Members  Giovanni Torlonia, 7th Prince of Civitella-Cesi Current Location:: Milan, Italy Birthdate: April 18, 1962 Birthplace: Rome, Italy " Prince Giovanni Torlonia is a top international banking authority and a ruthless brainwasher. Prince Giovanni Torlonia the Prince of Civitella-Cesi is an owner of the

The Orsini

  The Orisni : Orsini family controls the Western Illuminati network, NATO alliance and biolabs. orsini-truth-in-plain-sight-links .html   " Orsini derives from the word Urso which means a bear like a grizzly bear. The Orsini-Rosenbergs have bears on their coat of arms " " The Orsini family has a very strong connection with the Reptilian race and is the main connecting link between the physical and non-physical Archons. They are the ones who created the pact between the Reptilian race and the Roman Catholic Church "   As stated previously the Orsini ( bear / winnie ) are connecting with the lurker   The Orsini are one of the main families behind the Green Door, they al