Archons - Financial Reset Aspect


November 14th 2019

Financial Reset

The Black Nobility families and the Jesuits have been encouraging the debt bubble to expand and are carefully steering the global economy towards a systemic crash. They are doing this to consolidate their power and to introduce a global and centralized digital financial system that will have total control over people's finances:

You need to understand that the global central banking policy is dictated from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and not from the Fed, and Torlonia Black Nobility family is controlling the BIS:
The dark forces are NOT the original planners of the crash, they are merely adapting their plans to hijack it:


The actual underlying reason for the systemic crash is wealth inequality and explosion of debt that has reached the point where the society becomes unsustainable. In terms of physics, the amount of energy the dark forces need to control the society grows exponentially to the point where they can not control anything any longer, and their system collapses:

When this happens, dark forces will try to orchestrate the crash, and the Light forces (Resistance Movement and Galactic Confederation) will use their advanced quantum computers to hack the global banking computer which are located at JP Morgan headquarters in New York. 

The new financial system will be introduced:

It will be a gold backed quantum financial system:

Based on productivity, culture and skill:


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