Archons - Sexuality Programming


January 21st 2019

Bubbles of Heaven

As the Jesuit plan to suppress human sexuality has failed, they have devised a new plan. They want to de-polarize and confuse female and male sexual identity by promoting gender confusion:

By emasculating men:

And by de-feminizing women.

To de-feminize and sexually disempower women, the Jesuits have also organized media campaigns in the last few decades to promote shaving of armpits and pubic hair for women:

Armpit and pubic hair is connected to primordial feminine power that the Jesuits and the Black Nobility families want to destroy.

They also enforced toxic hygiene products that create hormonal disbalance in women:

Pure, undistorted active electric masculine energies and pure undistorted reflective magnetic feminine energies are necessary for planetary liberation.

Pure electric active masculine energy is the essence of the Hammer of Thor.

Pure magnetic receptive feminine energies create a resonance field that is the Contact Dish for the Event.

Together they create the Holy Grail.

Together they create the Soul Family mandala:


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