Suppressing The Goddess


July 5th 2012

Layers of Conspiracy

" At the core of the physical Cabal there is a group of 13 Archons that keep controlling our planet for the last 26,000 years. They are responsible for the fall of Atlantis, for the collapse of peaceful Goddess worshipping neolithic cultures 5000 years ago and  for the destruction of the mystery schools in late antiquity. They are the ones that maintain the quarantine and keep humanity hostage so that the positive ETs could not intervene until now. They are mostly incarnated into key positions inside the Italian black nobility.  "


August 5th 2012

White Nobility

" The first of those groups is the White Nobility. During human history, not all aristocratic families have associated themselves with the Cabal. Many have resisted passively, some even actively. Noblesse oblige was not an empty phrase for them but an actual imperative to help the less fortunate remainder of humanity. The most famous among White Nobility families are the Medicis that helped to bring about the Renaissance which laid the foundation of our modern world.

Common ground for all those noble families is the occult tradition that goes back a few millennia into the mystery schools of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Mysteries of the Goddess are their greatest secret and their main occult weapon against the Cabal. Many of White Nobility families have a strong connection with Mary Magdalene and the Grail mysteries and are connected with positive Templar groups.

Black Nobility families that are associated with the Jesuits are allergic to the Goddess energy. They would like to wipe it out from the surface of the planet and have tried to do so many times. Members of families such as Pallavicini, Orsini, Massimo, Borghese, Aldobrandini, Colonna, Pacelli, Odescalchi,  Ortolani  and Luzzatti are receiving their orders directly from the Archons and are at the core of conspiracy against the Goddess. They are waging an occult war against the White Nobility families that are trying to spread the Light and support feminine qualities such as compassion, receptivity, creativity, love…
  • Rothschilds are nobility wannabes (their lineage goes less than two and a half centuries back and they come from Bauer family which is German for farmer) and do not understand completely the occult war that is going on in the highest circles as they are left out of the information loop. They are too immersed into the physical matter as well. Meanwhile, Rockefellers are plain commoners and do not have the slightest idea about what is really going on.
Most of the White Nobility families are now located in Italy and serve as a counterforce against the Black Nobility "

 June 18th 2014

On a deeper level, there is an occult war going on. 4300 years ago, the Annunaki Archon overlords of the Cabal created what is called the Akkadian empire:

The Akkadian empire was an extremely violent and patriarchal society which was created to suppress a very important Goddess energy vortex, created in the same region over 7000 years ago by the Halaf and Hassuna-Samarra cultures:

Now the same Archons, incarnated into Black Nobility families, want to create a dark empire of horror in the exactly same region to suppress that Goddess energy vortex even further.
...The Archons are quite skilled occultists. What they do is to take a symbol of Light and use mass media propaganda to entrain people to associate that symbol with darkness, pain and suffering and to suppress Goddess energy. Thus they prevent an enormous amount of Light from flowing into the minds and hearts of people. They have done so with number 666 (once a sacred number of Goddess Venus, now a symbol of the dark forces in the mind of the masses), with the pentagram (once a sacred symbol of Goddess Venus and now a symbol of black magic for the uneducated masses), with Lucifer (once a symbol of Goddess Venus- Light bearer- morning star, now a symbol of the leader of the dark forces for the unaware), with swastika (once a symbol of spiritual evolution and now associated with Nazism). 

You can read a god article about that here:

The Archons have deliberately chosen ISIS as the name of the jihadist group and their Islamic state to associate the name of Isis (she is a Goddess of Light) with darkness and horror in the minds of the human masses, especially now after we have partially opened the IS:IS portal and when there is great further potential for Goddess awakening in 2014. Therefore Isis is not a Cabal-friendly Goddess, the Illuminati just try to misuse her beautiful energy for their nefarious purposes. Ironically, the name Illuminati means the enlightened ones, when in reality those people are the furthest away from true spiritual enlightenment. 

To clarify the situation, Goddess Isis does not support ISIS, Isis wants peace, and peace it will be. "


November 1st

Flash Overtura Update

A claim has been made. White nobility families, many of which have connection to the Goddess / Grail lineages, are also the rightful owners of the “historical assets”, “golden fleece” and “collateral accounts”:

This claim against the black nobility families will be enforced through the Positive Military and it will make the black nobility families effectively bankrupt:

The Positive Military will protect the distribution of the assets to humanity and will oversee the paymaster system. The plan to bankrupt the black nobility is called “6900 series of collapse protocols” and is partially revealed here:


  • Jan,2014 The Aldobrandini family contains members of the original group which chose to experience separation from the Source millions of years ago. They have in their possession secret documents about the existence of Atlantis and fragments of rituals of Atlantean mystery schools. This family is aware of the importance of the Goddess energy. There is a certain fact about this family that will be made public after the Event and will surprise many people. "  



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